Tag : drivers

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Business After Brexit

It’s now a couple of months since Britain took the brave step to exit the EU.  Since that time we’ve seen a new Prime Minister and Cabinet appointed, a volatile stock market and turbulent exchange rates as well as interest rates reach record lows. Although only few may have predicted this
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Calls for new drink driving regulations

Drink driving is once again in the news due to a publication released earlier this year by the Parliamentary Advisory Committee for Transport safety. Last year Scotland lowered their legal drink drive limit from 80mg/100ml down to 50mg/100ml and now there is calls for England and Wales to follow suit. GEM
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Driving In The Dark

There's no doubt that driving at night is more dangerous. A Department for Transport study revealed that although only 15 per cent of vehicle miles are clocked between 7pm and 7am, they account for almost a third of road injuries and deaths. The main reason for an increase in traffic accidents
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Hands Free or Not Hands Free?

Since December 2003, it has been illegal to drive in the UK while using a hand held phone.  However, hands-free devices weren’t included in the ban. But legal experts are now warning fleets and their drivers that they could fall foul of the law if they are involved in a collision,
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Driving In New Regulations

As the industry continues to acquire more and more regulations, qualifying to drive trucks has a new hurdle to overcome with the requirement for drivers to achieve a Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) certification. Enforced by a European Union directive, the new Driver CPC qualification aims to increase safety on the
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