Mission Statement

Home/Mission Statement
By offering the experience, quality awareness and support of a big company with the flexibility, innovation and personal touch of a small company we will supply all our clients with the best of best worlds.
Most companies these days use recruitment agencies to support their workforce in the event of holidays and sickness, seasonal trends or unexpected overloads. To some, the agency is an integral part of their staffing plan, but to others they are nothing more than a necessary evil.
The choice can then become the big high street agency with many branches, national resources and financial stability or the independent local agency with personal touch, flexibility and commitment.
We at Drivers Direct Recruitment feel it is time that someone put these two together. With hundreds of years of industry experience between us, training from the major national recruitment companies, support from the HSBC bank and all members of staff having a vested interest in the the company we can give you the best of both worlds.