Drivers Direct On Beating The January Blues
January is in full swing and the Christmas and New Year festivities have been and gone. For some people, the Christmas period is something to look forward to, plenty of time spent with family and friends and eating far too much food! Once the new year rolls around, the January blues set in as reality kicks in and everyone goes back to work. Here at Drivers Direct, we think it’s so important to tackle the January blues head, whether your office is behind a desk or behind the wheel. We’ve put together some tips on how to harness a positive outlook during the remainder of the winter months.
Start your working day right with a positive playlist that sets you up for the day. Whether you’re an HGV driver or on your way to the office, creating a playlist with all your favourite songs is bound to put a smile on your face. Spotify allows you to customise your own playlists which you can make as long as you want – ideal for long driving shifts. The music service also creates fantastic playlists for any mood and occasion if you’re struggling to pinpoint your favourite tracks!
At this time of year it’s cold and dark, making it very easy to fall down the rabbit hole of treating yourself to more indulgent foods. These might momentarily make you feel better, but in the long-term it isn’t likely to boost your mood. Be sure to look after yourself, whatever profession you’re in by preparing healthy snacks for your working day. We’ve always heard the repetitive advice to drink plenty of water during the day but the benefits of doing this really do shine through! Water prevents fatigue and dehydration whilst helping to transport nutrients in the blood that are needed for energy. High energy snacks like shelled Edamame beans are packed with B-vitamins and great for keeping you going during the day. Of course fruit makes for a healthy snack but it can be awkward to deal with pips and peels whilst on the road. Instead, why not invest in some dried fruits, a delicious source of energy and easy to eat whilst on the go? We’re thinking dried banana chips, mangoes or apple rings. Staying healthy doesn’t always mean you have to cut chocolate out of your life forever though, it’s always good to treat yourself!
There’s no denying the power of positive thinking. Instead of wishing away your week, focus on things that you’re looking forward to in the upcoming days. Additionally, taking a mental note of things you appreciate but tend to take for granted to help put matters into perspective on tough days.
With the busy lives that we lead, we’re sometimes guilty of convincing ourselves we don’t have time to go to the gym or exercise. But you can truly surprise yourself with the amount you can do if you put your mind to it. Yes, it’s so easy to come home from work on a dark January evening and reach for the snacks and TV remote but instead why not do your favourite sport or a quick home workout. YouTube has hundreds of workout videos that you can do from the comfort of your own home, including 7 minute high-intensity workouts which are reportedly the best way to exercise, you can take inspiration from Tech Insider’s routine or the 20 minute work out from Fitness Blender.
We hope that we’ve shed some light on how to turn that January frown upside down. As a recruitment company, we understand that everyone is uniquely different and will deal with the January blues in a number of ways, but we aim to give some inspiration this month to everyone looking for ways to boost their positivity.